How does this medicine work?

Granulocyte stimulation factor (G-CSF) stimulates production and development of neutrophils (white blood cells) in the bone marrow. Neutrophils are needed to fight infection.

How should I give it?

G-C SF is given into the vein or subcutaneously (an injection just under the skin). You may be taught how to give it at home. See the education sheet “Injections.”

Are there any precautions about food or other medicines?

Check with the doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if your child is taking any other medicines.

There are no problems with food. Continue with your child’s regular diet.

What should I do if a dose is missed?

If a dose is missed, call the clinic.

What are the side effects?


  • increased white blood cells
  • reduced production of platelets
  • reduced red blood cell recovery


  • headache
  • pain in joints, muscles, or bones
  • tiredness


  • fever
  • low blood pressure
  • lung disease
  • kidney disease
  • kidney stones
  • skin rash
  • enlarged spleen
  • allergic reaction, signs include
    • fever or chills
    • rash or hives
    • wheezing
    • trouble breathing

When should I call the clinic?

Call hematology helpline 982403210 if:

  • signs of infection:
    • fever or chills
    • redness or pain at the injection site
    • sores on the skin
  • rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • wheezing
  • trouble breathing (call 112)

What else do I need to know?

Because your child’s ability to fight infection is reduced, it is very important to call the doctor at the first signs of any infection so antibiotic treatment can be started right away.

A referral to home care may be made so that a nurse can help you learn to give this medicine at home. If this would be helpful to you, please talk with your doctor.

Your child may need a weekly blood test to be sure the medicine is working.

You and your child should know the names of all the medicines he or she is taking. It is important to share this information with anyone involved in your child’s care.

Store G-CSF in the refrigerator; do not freeze. Medicine in an open vial at room temperature is good for 24 hours. An unopened vial at room temperature is good for 3 days.

Always make sure you have enough medicine on hand. Each time you refill your prescriptions, check as the pharmacist may need 2 or 3 days to get fresh medication.

Check the label for the expiration date. Flush outdated medicines down the toilet instead of putting them in the garbage.

Store all medicines in their original container and away from direct sunlight or heat. Do not store in humid places such as the bathroom. Keep them out of children’s reach, locked up if possible.

If the wrong dose of this medicine is given, please call the clinic.


This sheet is not specific to your child but provides general information. If you have any questions, please call:

Hematology Clinic
3rd floor, Kedar
Opp.Krupa Petrol Pump,
Parimal Garden, Ambawadi
Clinic: 07926463219