The QURE Center is an important resource for patients of all ages with more than 9,000 visits in 2018, including 1500 new patients and 300 patients with leukemia, myeloma, and other blood cancers. In addition, the Center provides individualized care for blood disorders such as thalassemia, ITP, and hemophilia to patients of all ages.
Our Mission
Cutting-edge medicine,
Committed to care
Our vision and mission is to offer state-of-the-art clinical care to patients of all ages with compassion, and serve as a center of excellence in India in the treatment of blood disorders and cancers.
Who we are
We are one of the few physician groups in Gujarat catering exclusively to adults and children with hematologic cancers and blood disorders and make use of leading-edge expertise and ground-breaking research to ensure our patients receive the best possible treatment plan.